Cash for Structured Settlement
Literally no company is better at getting customers structured settlement cash payouts. We will simply not be bested on price or service. Whether you are looking to maximize your structured settlement cash or simply looking to enter into a smaller transaction involving pulling out cash from you structured settlement, we welcome you to call us and put us to the test.
People looking for structured settlement cash are often in search of one of the following things:
1. Structured Settlement Cash Advance: a structured settlement cash advance generally involves getting an immediate payment of a couple hundred to thousands of dollars within 24 to 72 hours. While many companies talk about structured settlement cash advances, getting the details of what you will qualify is often easier said than done. With SF, you can rest assured that our commitment to get you a structured settlement cash advance will be followed through with and to this end, we are happy to put it writing before you sign a contract with us.
2. Structured Settlement Cash Sale: a structured settlement sale for cash or selling a structured settlement for a lump sum is just as it sounds- you agree to sell the right to receive a certain portion of your structured settlement or the sell the full structured settlement for a lump sum. How much cash for your structured settlement you will receive depends on a host of factors that we are happy to review with you over the phone for free and without obligation. Call us and we are happy to “run the numbers for you”.
3. Structured Settlement Loans: You can read more about structured settlement loans throughout this website but essentially people looking for a structured settlement loan are generally thinking that they will receive money from a structured settlement company by utilizing their structured settlement as collateral.
At SF, we strive to come up with structured settlement cash options that make you happy and ultimately prove to be in your best interest. While other companies may provide cookie cutter structured settlement cash alternatives, we carefully tailor each proposal we provide to be consistent with what you request. Whether you are looking for cash for guaranteed structured settlement payments, lump sum structured settlement payments, or life contingent structured payments, we are here to provide you with information and quotes.