Buy Annuity
Not Only to We Buy Annuities, We Buy Annuity Payments that are Guaranteed, Life Contingent, Deferred, & Immediate….. and Will Provide Your Best Offer
We are guided by the principle that a company can buy annuities in a professional manner, with top customer service and still succeed. It may not sound that novel of a concept but if you have already spoken with other annuity buyers, you may know what we mean. Just like the annuities we buy every day, annuity buyers vary dramatically.
Some companies that buy annuities provide offers like:
1. We Will Pay You the Most Cash for Your Annuity
2. We will Get You the Largest Cash Advance if You Sell Annuity to Us
3. We will provide you a lump sum for an annuity in the shortest period of time.
4. We charge no fees when we buy annuity for a lump sum
5. We are experts in buying annuities in a particular state.
All of this may be true. On any given transaction, any one company may be able to buy an annuity for a few more dollars, or maybe even thousands of dollars more, than the prior annuity buyer you spoke to. It is therefore always up to you as the consumer to shop around and get a price for your annuity you are comfortable with.
After you speak to a few companies that buy annuities, however, you will quickly learn that there is some range that your annuity is worth in the secondary market. What that “range” is will depend on a host of factors closely associated with the terms and nature of your annuity. One of the most obvious correlations in value of what your annuity is worth is when the payments under the annuity are due. Quite naturally we will be able to buy an annuity that pays immediately for more money than annuity with payments starting 10 years from now.
We invite you to call us, whether you just want to talk about:
1. Options if you were to sell your annuity;
2. You want information about the timing and what is involved
3. A quote for some or all of your annuity